Flea Control Indoor

Your pet was not born with fleas and ticks. Your pet picked up fleas and ticks from the environment, and they willKill Flea Control Auckland Please pick them up again unless you take action. Because over 95% of the flea population exists as eggs, larvae, or pupae in carpet and grass, tackle fleas and ticks right in the carpet and grass. The best time to start a flea control indoor program is in the late spring, before an infestation. Adult fleas comprise only 5% of the total flea population. To contain an active flea infestation, fleas must be controlled at every stage.

Pets with flea allergies don’t improve unless fleas are removed from the property. When pets spend 90% of their time indoors, focus your flea prevention efforts indoors, but it’s vital to include general outdoor flea and tick control if you have a yard or patio.

The key to eliminating fleas inside your home is to repeat the treatment process every 2-3 weeks. Thus killing any flea eggs that may have hatched.

Products That Kill Fleas And Ticks Inside Your Home:

  • Fogger: Virbac Knockout Fogger. Foggers are popular and easy to use. Unfortunately, they do not penetrate the carpet, under furniture, closets, baseboards, or cushions. Use one fogger for each room, and realise that fogger chemicals are distributed in a circle and do not penetrate corners. Use a powder to spot treat corners and areas foggers don’t reach. Virbac Knockout Fogger will kill fleas, eggs, spiders, ants, and roaches.
  • Powder: Bio Spot Carpet Powder. Use powders on carpets, upholstery, and under cushions. Bio Spot Carpet Powder kills fleas, flea eggs, and ticks.

Areas To Treat For Flea Control

  • Carpeted areas and upholstery, including carpeted closets, under cushions and furniture. A vacuum with a beater bar removes 20% of the flea larvae and 50% of the carpet’s flea eggs. Vacuuming raises the carpet fibres so insecticides can penetrate.
  • Bed linens and pet bedding. Dry with high heat, as materials tolerate. Hot water and a long cycle in a hot dryer kill fleas at their life stages, from egg, larva, pupa, or adult.
  • Under the furniture edges where flea larvae crawl.
  • Areas the pet is denied access to because they often have some access.
  • Also, all carpeted areas.
  • Upholstered furniture.
  • Lastly, mattresses.

Flea Control Indoor Treatments

Repeat this treatment every 2-3 weeks for at least six weeks to control a profound flea control indoor infestation. Once the fleas are under control, you should implement a maintenance treatment every 4-6 weeks. At the same time you’re treating your property, use flea treatment such as Frontline Plus or Advantage II on your pet.

When protected by a cocoon, the immature flea can survive over four months on a carpet, so vacuum and treat the carpets thoroughly.

Flea Control Auckland is a fully qualified technician at pesticide applicator standard with many years of experience and is fully certified in residential and commercial services. For flea control professional help, talk to the experts! Call 0800 199 399 or email Steam n Dry Flea Control Auckland Services.


Written by Graeme Stephens, an IICRC Master Restoration Technician since 2001, boasting over 36 years of experience in Auckland’s disinfection, carpet cleaning, and flea control services.

Updated Last: August/27/2023